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Bengaluru cops tighten security for Ganesha festival, enforce guidelines: Report

In preparation for the upcoming Ganesha festival starting September 7, Bengaluru’s city police have introduced a comprehensive set of security protocols aimed at maintaining order during the celebrations, The Hindu reported.
According to a statement released by the police department, surveillance efforts will be ramped up across critical areas of the city, with additional security forces deployed to preempt any potential disturbances. Temporary checkpoints will be established to keep a close watch on suspicious behavior and activities, the report noted.
To prevent any disruptions, public gatherings will be strictly controlled, and any event likely to cause disorder will face stringent regulations. The use of loudspeakers and high-volume sound systems will also be closely monitored, with special permissions required for their operation, the publication added. The use of such devices will be permitted only between 6 am and 10 pm, with violations being strictly prohibited.
Specific crowd control measures will also be enforced during the idol immersion processions, including the placement of barricades and the rerouting of traffic to ensure smooth processions and prevent congestion, the report stated. All processions must conclude by 10 pm.
The police have been actively engaging with community leaders, emphasising the importance of their cooperation in upholding peace. Meetings have been held with Ganesha festival organizers to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
A dedicated emergency response team will be on high alert, ready to respond to any incidents during the festivities. Additionally, medical aid stations will also be strategically positioned to offer immediate assistance if necessary, it further stated.
Authorities urged the public to adhere to the guidelines and work alongside law enforcement to ensure a safe and enjoyable festival. The police also encourage the community to report any suspicious activities to the nearest police station.
